While it may seem like a trendy buzzword, collagen has been proven to be beneficial for gut health, skin health, joints, tendons, and more. Read on to discover what it's all about and how you can enjoy all the benefits of supplementation. 


Collagen comes from the Greek words kola, meaning "gum," and gen, meaning "producing." Its primary role is to maintain connective tissue health and the mechanical properties of the skin, as it's vital for tissue strength, regulation, and regeneration. Impressively, it contributes roughly 65-80% of the dry weight of tendons. Because of this, collagen has been proven to play a vital role in both maintaining tendon health and minimizing potential injury risk in athletes.

Collagen constitutes one-third of humans' total protein and is the body's most abundant form of structural protein. It's characterized by a high concentration of three amino acids: glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Glycine supports cellular health and is an essential precursor to the body's potent antioxidant glutathione and hydroxyproline. Proline plays an important role in protein synthesis and structure, in addition to wound-healing support and antioxidative reactions. Hydroxyproline plays a key role in overall collagen stability.


The term "hydrolyzed" refers to the collagen being broken down into small peptides, which makes it easier for the body to digest and utilize. Our Grass-Fed Hydrolyzed Beef Collagen is mainly made up of Type I and III collagen, both playing a huge role in the repair and growth of bones, ligaments, tendons, and skin. 


Thanks to the amino acids glycine and proline, collagen helps repair intestinal wall permeability [2] in those with compromised intestinal lining. A leaky gut means there are microscopic holes in the GI tract, opening up the body to potential infection and disease. Collagen's amino acid makeup serves as a little pit crew—ready to spring into action and repair the holes in the gut to improve nutrient absorption and ease inflammation. 

In an 8-week research study [1], 204 women were given a daily dose of 20g of collagen to analyze its impact on their gut health. The results indicated that 93% of the compliant participants reported a noticeable reduction in digestive discomfort and bloating by the 6-week mark, thus providing evidence that collagen can improve gut health.


Collagen production slows past your mid-twenties, leading to a loss of elasticity in our skin and depletion in other areas of the body. Studies have shown that 5-20g of collagen per day can lead to great improvements. Add a scoop to your protein shake, morning coffee, smoothies, or baked goods to reap all the benefits!

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