Cycling is a highly demanding physical activity that requires a great deal of exertion. Whether cycling for leisure or in competitive events, it is a tough workout that uses a variety of muscle groups. Ensuring proper supplementation is crucial for enhancing recovery. Read on to discover our recommended products for a comfortable ride and efficient recovery.


As a cyclist, oatmeal is a great option for fueling your body. Complex carbohydrates found in oats provide long-lasting energy for your muscles during a ride, which can improve your physical performance. Carbs break down into glucose, which is either used right away or stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Consuming enough carbohydrates is crucial to prevent hitting the wall on longer rides, especially during intense ones. 


Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin, also known as Cluster Dextrin™, is a low-glycemic index carbohydrate source that can be slowly released into the bloodstream without causing gastric upset. It's ideal for endurance athletes as it allows them to consume more carbs without feeling bloated or sluggish. Research shows that HBCD-based sports drinks reduce gastrointestinal upset and increase time to exhaustion.


Research suggests that consuming Beet Root juice (or powdered concentrate) 2-3 hours prior to exercise is optimal. This is because the juice contains high levels of nitrate, which can widen your blood vessels and increase blood and oxygen flow to the areas that require it the most, such as your legs.

Try it: One 13g dose provides 400mg of nitrates, perfect for fueling a long ride.


Unsurprisingly, an intense ride can work up a serious sweat. During perspiration, we lose essential salts and minerals that balance fluid and blood volume. An imbalance can cause muscle weakness, spasms, and fatigue—so ensure you're either sipping on electrolytes before or after you train for optimal riding and recovery. 


Check out our Endurance Post-Workout Formula for a high-carb recovery matrix, or use our Protein Customizer to develop your own unique blend of protein, fats, and carbs. Add boosts and name it to truly make it your own. 

Tags: Electrolytes   Product Spotlight   Wellness
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