Some things are just better in twos; the list below is no exception. Whether you're looking to get better sleep, be a little sharper at work, improve your beauty routine, or get healthier overall—we invite you to explore our collection of supercharged supplementation. Double up and enjoy! 

Goal: Big Brain Boost

Nootropics, like TrueBrain, are cognitive enhancers that support the metabolism of neuronal cells in the CNS (Central Nervous System). Similarly, Caffeine contains several compounds that help increase blood flow and improve cognition—making the two an excellent resource if you're looking to study, prep for a busy workday, or even hit the gym. If you'd rather avoid the caffeine intake, sub in a serving of Acetyl L-Carnitine for a stim-free experience. 

Goal: Deep Sleep

Struggling to get quality sleep? When it comes to catching serious z's, Zinc-Mag and Sleep Support are ready to lull you into a deep slumber. Magnesium is a sleep-improving mineral salt that helps to calm and relax the body. Our Sleep Support contains amino acids and botanical extracts proven to combat insomnia for a whole night's rest. Combine the two, and you'll feel refreshed in no time. 

Goal: Hair, Skin, and Nails

Vitamin C is vital for Collagen production, so if you're looking to level up your beauty routine, look no further than this dynamic duo.  Since skin cells regenerate every 27 days, quite literally, you are what you eat. Young skin is comprised of about 75% collagen, with production slowing past the mid-twenties. Normal, healthy skin contains a large amount of Vitamin C that must be obtained through diet, and naturally, these levels dwindle as we age. Adding the two to your regimen can help support smooth, plump skin and elasticity; as well as healthier nails and stronger hair. Supplement your skincare routine with this power couple and say hello to a fresh-faced glow! 

Goal: Immune Support

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it is best absorbed with a low-to-moderate amount of fat. Omega-3 has been shown to help lower inflammation, and Vitamin D is well-known for its immune-boosting properties—protecting against viral and/or bacterial infections. Rely on this duo daily, during colder temperatures, or when you feel like illnesses are circulating for optimal defense and immune support. 


When it comes to optimizing your health, pairing the right nutrients can make all the difference. Whether you’re fueling your brain, enhancing recovery, boosting beauty from within, or strengthening your immune system, these dynamic duos are here to elevate your wellness game. Think of it as a tag-team approach to better living—because some things truly are better together. Ready to double up on your health? Explore these powerful pairings and experience the benefits firsthand!

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